Mackenzie Brown just turned 8 years old on November 2, 2013. Her birthday party was quite different than the other parties she has had in the past. On the invitation she requested that instead of a gift for her, that her guests brought gloves, hats, scarves or coats to be donated to children that
needed them. She was overwhelmed when she received dozens of items. Today this Bixby North Elementary school second grader brought in her items to
give to “Operation Toy Soldier” a cause adopted by Cremation Society of Oklahoma, Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home, Stanleys Funeral Service and Christian-Gavlik Funeral Home. When asked what made her decide to do this,
she replied “I had seen it on television and thought it was a good idea”. Her only request was that she got to put the items in the donation container. Operation Toy Soldier is a service provided to children of active duty and non-active duty military personnel from the Northeastern
Oklahoma area. Toys and other items will be distributed before Christmas.