How to install Operation Toy Soldier at your firm.

Operation Toy Soldier Barrel

Operation Toy Soldier Barrel Wrap

I have included the 3 steps you need to do the very same thing. You can start by putting ONE 55-gallon fiber drum in your funeral home lobby as we are. When full, we are taking ours across the street to the Coast Guard Station in Clearwater.

To participate, simply start by doing the following:

  1. 1. Order a 55-gallon fiber drum from the U-Line Company, (800) 958-5463 it is $55.00
  2. 2. Call Stephanie or your project manager at (888) 241-1222 x9, to put your logo on the “wrap” she will email you the file. The cost is $100.
  3. 3. Forward your custom wrap logo art to Mike Norris and staff will get a quick turn around. His phone is (727) 341-0084.
  4. 4. To go to the next level, consider ordering 10 drums and involving the local business community. We all know a barbershop. We all know dry cleaners. We all have 3-4 favorite restaurants. Make this event bigger by including them as a collection point.
  5. 5. Adfinity is providing you with a fax press release for your locals news outlets.

In the service to Veterans!