2024 Operation Toy Soldier
This year come bring your favorite holiday mug and come dressed in your coziest Christmas PJs for this very special family presentation of The Star – The Story of the First Christmas. Bring a new and unwrapped toy and enjoy our Live Nativity. See you there!
December 7-8, 2024 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm
2023 Operation Toy Soldier
Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, Florida
2021 Operation Toy Soldier
Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, Florida
2019 Operation Toy Soldier
Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, Florida
Lakeside Memorial Funeral Home – Orchard Park, NY
Christiansen’s Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care- Greenville, MI
Barnett-Strother Funeral Home – Madisonville, KY
B.C. Bailey Funeral Home – Wallingford, CT
Twiford Funeral Home – Elizabeth City, NC
Stanley’s Funeral & Cremation Services – Tulsa, OK
Smith Funeral & Memorial Services – Warren, RI
Marcy Funeral Home – Conneaut, OH
Anderson Family Funeral Homes & Cremation Services – Cresson, PA
Martin’s Funeral Home in Grand Blanc, Michigan
Barnett-Strother Funeral Home in Madisonville, KY
Heartland Cremation & Burial Society, Kansas City, MO
2018 Operation Toy Soldier
Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, Florida
B.C. Bailey Funeral Home in Wallingford, Connecticut
Heartland Cremation in Kansas City, Missouri
Lakeside Memorial Funeral Home in Buffalo, New York
Michigan Cremation in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Powles Staton Funeral Home in Rockwell, North Carolina
Smith Bissell & Warner Funeral Home in Gary, Indiana
Stanley Funeral Home in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Stumpff Funeral Home in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Sykes Funeral Home in Clarksville, Tennessee
Trimble Funeral Home in Moline, Illinois
Twiford Funeral Home in Elizabeth City, North Carolina
2017 was busy with activity!
America’s Cemetery was featured in the Herald ➤
Twiford Funeral Homes Press Release: Tons of Toys! Our Largest Operation Toy Soldier Donation to Date ➤
Operation Toy Solider was featured on Bay News 9
2017 Event Photos
- Unicorn finds a good home.
- Twiford Funeral Homes donated toys overflowing the barrel
- Twiford Funeral Home toy donations
- Twiford Funeral Home donation barrels
- Twiford FH toy run
- Twiford Funeral Home newspaper article
- Toy collection at Stumpff Funeral Home
- Teddy bear finds a home at MacDill AFB
- Smith, Bizzell and Warner Funeral Home toys from St. Anthony Village
- Smith, Bizzell and Warner Funeral Home toy collection
- Smith, Bizzell and Warner toys
- Smith, Bizzell and Warner toy drive
- Happy boy at Smith, Bizzell and Warner Funeral Home
- OTS toys at Stumpff Funeral Home
- Moody-Daniel Funeral Home – Zebulon, GA
- Military family helping out reporter, Katie Jones
- MacDill AFB stockings times two
- Hospital Courier Corp. helps out OTS
- Georgia Funeral Care – Acworth, GA
- Father of five happy to take some toys home from MacDill AFB
Please click on any of the images to view larger…….
2015 Operation Toy Soldier

Jardine Funeral Home in Strongsville, OH – Another large toy donation from AudreyGamble and her group, Telecomm Pioneers. Thank You!
2014 Operation Toy Soldier

Thank you to Audrey Gamble and her friends at Telecom Pioneers of America for their huge, generous donation to Operation Toy Soldier in Cleveland, OH.
2013 Operation Toy Soldier

On Dec. 1st, Jardine Funeral Home in Cleveland, OH started their toy drive.
The LIVE Nativity scene was a big hit.

The Vay-Schleich & Meeson Funeral and Cremation Chapels have joined Operation Toy Soldier. Thank You for your support in this toy drive.

Kallie Papas and Shannon Duffy, from Rumba Restaurant, collected another barrel of toys for Operation Toy Soldier in Clearwater, FL.

Mackenzie Brown just turned 8 years old on November 2, 2013. Her birthday party was quite different than the other parties she has had in the past. On the invitation she requested that instead of a gift for her, that her guests brought gloves, hats, scarves or coats to be donated to children that needed them. She was overwhelmed when she received dozens of items. Today this Bixby North Elementary school second grader brought in her items to give to “Operation Toy Soldier” a cause adopted by Cremation Society of Oklahoma, Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home, Stanleys Funeral Service and Christian-Gavlik Funeral Home. When asked what made her decide to do this, she replied “I had seen it on television and thought it was a good idea”. Her only request was that she got to put the items in the donation container. Operation Toy Soldier is a service provided to children of active duty and non-active duty military personnel from the Northeastern Oklahoma area. Toys and other items will be distributed before Christmas.

All the toys donated to Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, FL are being donated to the St. Petersburg US Coast Guard Station.